Tuesday, June 15, 2010

song written by me... Shirin Marissa

ok girls n guys out there.

here i show you my latest song n actually my 1st recorded on you tube n it's so simple

Do you love baby?

Yeah... i really concern about baby.

In Malaysia, a lot of cases related to BABY. mostly about DEADLY BABIES!!!

In other countries, the unwanted babies mostly already dumped and thrown out from their mother's belly.....through abortion.

and it's true, there are couples who did the abortion but the common method of the CRUEL AND RUDESS EVER way they did is kill the unwanted babies after born.

DIY- phone battery charger using USB adapter

Hye guys.

I should tell you one word that i love in my whole life.

it is ----------->>

BECAUSE it let me sucks out all my ideas to survive.

You should know, what i've done during my "desprate session" . In my newest "desprate session" is about finding my phone charger. i lostit!!


my phone battery going to be empty. and i'm home alone!!! OMG. if anything happen, i only have my hopes on my phone and I could call police???

Friday, March 12, 2010

Special salad with oyster sauce.

Ok. Seperti biasa, bila lapar, ak akan masok dapor, tngok peti ais, godeh2 benda ape leh dibuat makan.hahah se lg, ak ni mmg kuat makan sayor. so klo xde ikan atau daging, xjd hal pada ak. it's a normal situation. tp bila trase nk makan daging ngan ikan, ak beli yg da siap pye.huhuhu confirm sodap. wokey. actually resepi yg akan ak perkenalkan jap g ialah menu yg xpnah ak wat n xde dlm mane2 buku resepi. so i'm the creator.hohoho Ok . menu yg dimaksudkan ialah Special salad with Oyster sauce. fiuhhhhhhhh......... glamour kan name lauk.ahhaha biasa la. Shirin.ngeh3. ok brikut adalah resepi nya.

Special salad with oyster sauce.